Today as I sat through church I had a thought several times throughout the lessons that were taught. The thought I had was how amazing it is that our trials are tailor made. We all have different experiences, different things we are good at and things we struggle with, and through all these different experiences we learn different things and are able to testify of different things because of our trials.
Our trials are tailor made.
How amazing that is that we don't all get the same trials because not all of us can handle some trials. I heard once that the hardest trials are given to the strongest spirits and that we are never given a trial we cannot handle. The Lord loves us enough that He wants us to grow. To do that we need to go through trials. While I don't think it's the smartest thing to pray for more trial, I think we need to be grateful for them.
Compared to most people, I haven't had a very hard life. I moved around a little bit when I was young, had to start over a few times, struggled with jobs and school, and just when I think I've got it down, everything falls apart. But I have an amazing family. I have the gospel. I have countless examples of the kind of person I want to be all around me. I have the best friends a girl could ask for. I go to a great university. And even when I am sitting in a room all by myself, I am never alone.
I think about those who have suffered great losses. I think of a strong woman who has lost her oldest son and now her husband. What a strong spirit she must have. Because if she didn't, she never would have been given such great trials. She remains faithful. She continues to be blessed. What if she, like so many others, just gave up? She would have missed out on so many blessings. But she didn't. She just continues to rely on her faith to get her through. And it does.
I think we need to be more grateful. Even on those bad days, it could be worse. There is always something to complain about and there is also something to be grateful for. Will you choose to complain? Or will you choose to look at the amazing blessings all around you and be grateful? While I know I will never be completely perfect in not complaining about those things that go wrong, I am trying to focus more on the blessing I have been given in my life and continue to receive.