Saturday, July 23, 2011

A soldier in God's Army

Most girls get one dad. I feel like I cheated. I got to grow up feeling like I had 2 dads.

I was blessed with an amazing family with an amazing father to lead us. I could not have been given a better dad. But a few years ago I was blessed to become close with another family who became like a second family for me. And through that, I got what felt like a second dad.

The Fellows are some of the most amazing people I have ever known, including Linda, my best friend for 6 years. I got the chance to be as close to this family as my own and I cannot explain how much joy they have brought me throughout my life.

Brother Scott Fellows was one of the most faithful men I have ever known. He was always making people around him laugh and feel welcome. Even when he was making fun of you, you could still feel the incredible amount of love he had for you. There were many nights when I joined the Fellows for family scripture and prayer. It took about 2 hours every time. Not because we were reading scripture after scripture or because our prayers were hours long. It was because we sat there as a family talking to each other and strengthening our relationships with one another. And on multiple occasions I was invited to join as part of their family. Memories upon memories were built those nights. Memories that his wife and children will never forget. Memories that I will never forget.

I loved this man for the wonderful example he was to me and everyone he met. His faith was strong, his testimony known to all that knew him. He was an amazing husband and father. Brother Fellows was a soldier on earth and I know he continues to be a soldier in heaven. I am sure he is leading the path, continuing to fight for righteousness. I believe he is in heaven teaching many about Heavenly Father and all that is true so that they can also have the opportunity to be exalted. I know he is continuing to serve our Heavenly Father as the faithful servant he was throughout his life.

He will be missed. I am heartbroken to think about going home and not seeing my daddy Fellows sitting in his big recliner watching football with his son at his side. And watching the superbowl will never be the same for me again. But I know that one day I will see him again. And so will his family. He made the choices that allowed his family to be an eternal one and he raised his children to be strong and faithful disciples of Christ. He had a huge influence on so many lives, more than he probably ever knew.

Now, more than ever, I am so grateful for the gift of eternal families. While the pain of loosing daddy Fellows is incredible, knowing that it is not the end makes it bearable. I am so grateful that my parents made the choices they did that allowed the to be sealed in the temple and the chance that that gives my family to always be together.

There is purpose in all things. Be strong. Be faithful. There is so much more to come if we will only do what we have been asked. We will be blessed throughout the eternities for our faith. I believe Daddy Fellows is receiving an incredible amount of blessings that have been reserved for him in heaven. He is among angels. He continues to be a soldier in God's Army.

Thank you for being such an amazing example to me. Thank you for being an amazing husband and father to your wife and children. And thank you for allowing me to feel like part of your family...for being a second dad to me. You will not be forgotten. I cannot wait to see you again among the armies of heaven.

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