Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why I chose doTerra

So lately my posts have been all spiritual and uplifting and everyone's all your amazin blah blah blah. On that note,I'm really not that amazing, I'm just doing what I have to to get through this hard time. I could sit around and be angry and bitter or I could try to look at the blessings I've been given and try to get through it. And I only write when I'm feeling strong. That is far from being all the time, I just don't make a public show of it when I'm not doing so well.

So, like just about every woman who has recently had a baby, I've been trying to loose weight. I was trying to loose weight when I got pregnant but I obviously couldn't continue actively trying to loose weight while pregnant so there went that. But during my pregnancy everyone would tell me that breastfeeding would help me loose the weight quickly. Well guess who lost out on that promise? Yeah.

So my first real exposure to doTerra was actually right after I had Declan. I knew about them and had heard great things. But I hadn't really given much thought to them. While I was in labor someone mentioned using peppermint oil to stop my milk from coming in. So the day I got home my sister in law brought some over (I have 3 sisters who use doTerra) and I started pouring the peppermint oil all over me.

2 days after I delivered I did have some milk start coming in. It wasn't a lot but the fact that it was there was a reminder that I was supposed to be feeding a baby and I wasn't, and that was really hard because it was like my body was just reminding me. I had some milk for about 2 days but it never got to the point of pain that I have heard about when women are really full...and then it was done. I expected to have it a lot worse and maybe even need to pump a few times just to relieve the pain. But I didn't. With the peppermint oil I only had 2 days of some discomfort and then it was over. It worked.

Then my other two sisters that do doTerra came over to give me an aromatouch massage (basically a massage using a bunch of different oils) because my body had been through so much and it helps you relax and also improves mood (I was a little sad) and also its a massage and I never pass those up.

I do feel like th different oils that they used definitely helped. Delivering a 12 pound baby is no joke, my body was really off, and I felt like I healed really quickly. After about 2 weeks I was feeling mostly back to normal. I was moving around okay and even went back to work 3 weeks after I delievered. I wasn't exercising because that's not allowed but I could pretty much do everything else.

Once I had my 6 week exam and was allowed to exercise again I started doing a program called T25 with Mark. It's the same trainer that did Insanity. I went about 3 weeks without missing a day and then started getting busy and missed a few days so I started the program over. And I also started working out with a personal trainer during this time. After a few more weeks of doing T25 I had gained 6 pounds. So I gave up. Mark finished the 10 weeks a week or two ago and he lost 20 pounds. Obviously it can work but I needed to figure out something else to try and help my body loose weight.

I went from being pregnant, developing type 1 diabetes (which was caused by a stress other than the pregnancy itself),and then I had a baby, but then didn't breastfeed, and was back on birth control 6 weeks after delivering. Talk about crazy hormone changes. My body has no idea what is going on, so loosing weight really wasn't working. I needed to find a way to help my body figure out what's going on.

Since we were doing a beachbody workout program we saw a lot about shakeology and I know a lot of people who drink it and really like it. 2 big problems with it: first, it has green tea extract and we decided we weren't okay with that. But we've been doing some more research into that and have found some interesting things, including something from the office of the first presidency that clarifies the issue a lot. Problem number two: it's $129 for one bag. That's $129 for one meal a day for one person for 30 days. That's a lot of money especially considering our food budget for the entire month for both of us is $150. So no way that's fitting in the budget. Plus I went grocery shopping for the entire month yesterday and got all our food (except for fresh fruits/veggies, and milk cause you can't buy all that without it going bad) for $129 and change.

Then last week my personal trainer suggested I start using the new doTerra lifelong vitality vitamins. So naturally I called my doTerra loving sisters and asked what they thought about that. Turns out these vitamins (which are completely natural and don't have green tea) have been shown to help with a ton of different health problems, including management of diabetes and weight loss. Well I need that.

So I enrolled as a wellness advocate since I plan on using these vitamins long term and will get them cheaper. doTerra also has a slim and sassy line of products that include a metabolic blend of oils and meal replacement shakes. Wholesale cost for the shakes is $40 and its 40 servings. That's $1 a shake instead of $4.50 a shake. So much more worth it to me personally.

My order arrived this week and I was so excited! I started with the cleanse and restore enrollment kit. It came with GX assist (10 day cleanse), PB assist (5 day probiotic, gives you all the probiotics you need but haven't been able to absorb because you have all this extra stuff in your body preventing it from being absorbed) and then it has the lifelong vitality vitamins and lemon oil, which has a ton of different uses including helping with diegstive stress.

So for now I'm taking the cleanse and then I will start taking the PB assist and the lifelong vitality. I also got the slim and sassy softgels, balance and serenity oils, HD clear (a blend to help with complexion (did I mention the breakouts all over my chin the past few months?? Cause it's been super bad), and a free bottle of Immortale, an anti-aging blend which is usually pretty expensive.

My next order will have the Slim and Sassy new you kit which has the shakes and I'm excited to try them! So for me, with all the options out there to help with weight loss and health problems this seems like the most natural option to me. Some of it is slightly expensive but once you get one oil you will have it for a long time. They dont come in a one month supply, but most only require 1-2 drops a day depending on what you need and that makes them last forever!

I am a pretty helthy person overall but I'm far from perfect. Somedays I miss my workout or don't want to make dinner because I work 2 jobs and just finished a 12 hour day so we get pizza...we get a little too much pizza. But I am motivated to be healthier and to be at a healthier weight. I am currently 4 pounds about what I weighed when I got home from the hospital after having Declan. But it's not just about the number on the scale. It's about being truly healthy. I want to be healthy for myself and for the kids that are still waiting to come to this earth. So I can have halthy pregnancies and healthy babies who grow up to have healthy habits. Our bodies are gifts and they are so incredible. And I would know, I took all kinds of classes in college about our bodies, they really are miracles.

So why am I writing about this? Because if people know that you're working towards something, they expect to see results, and I need to be held accountable so I don't just give up and eat chocolate all day, even though somedays that's all I feel up for. So stay tuned and I'll keep sharing how it's going...even though no one probably really cares, I'll pretend there's a ton of people waiting for updates :)