Sunday, January 8, 2012

A goal is a dream unless it is written down

The last couple months have been pretty interesting. Last semester was a hard one, and not because my classes were particularly challenging, but because I felt so much uncertainty at what I was doing. But I've realized some things that I stopped doing that I believe are part of the reason I was having such a hard time.

The first thing I noticed I had stopped doing was going to the temple every week. I successfully went weekly for about a year. But with my busy schedule last semester, waking up at 4 am for lax practice, then school, then work, then more school....the temple got left out of my schedule. So far this year, I have accomplished my weekly goal! 1 week down! And my old roommate was right, the temple is just about empty at 11 on Thursdays. Perfect time to go and it fits in perfectly with my schedule.

I haven't missed a day of reading the scriptures in over 4 years. But reading the scriptures and studying the scriptures are two different things. I got lazy. A chapter of scripture was just a chapter. There was no true searching and pondering, just going through the motions. That makes a huge difference.

While there are other things that I needed to be doing better this last semester, these are the most important. I lost my passion but I'm determined to get it back. So here are my goals for this year:

stop saying "i hate school". I used to love it and even though its not my favorite thing in the world, having a pessimistic attitude about it doesn't help anything.

Keep a strict workout schedule. Write it down when I'm going to the gym each day, and do it. (ps. running three miles feels AMAZING)

Eat healthier. Our bodies are amazing and it's our job to keep them that way. Fill your body with the things that they need and not the things our taste buds want.

New motto: It's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy.

Get a good job over the summer and work as much as possible.

Pass the BOC exam and become a certified athletic trainer.

find a job after graduation. and if nothing comes up, find a different adventure until something does. but enjoy that time regardless.

Graduate with a high GPA. Stop being a lazy student. Prove what I'm capable of.

Look for ways to serve others.

Be in Times Square on New Years.

Get tickets to every session of general conference.

Be happy now. Stop waiting.

So here we go, 2012. My last year in college. Everything changes after this.

Bring it on.

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