Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Catching up

So I'm horrible at keeping my blog up to date so here's a fast summary of last semester!

Classes were alright. Definitely better than last semester but that's not the exciting part. so we're moving on now :)

This past semester I got to work with the BYU Cougarettes! I didn't know just how much I was going to love every single one of them when I walked through the door that first day. When I walked through the door to practice on the first day of the semester, the first thing I heard was "new trainer!!!!" The girls immediately came up and started talking to me. I'm pretty sure it was Sam that shook my hand....and it was really funny. throughout the semester I finally learned all the girls names (20 of them....it was a rough start haha).

The week of Concert was insane. But it was also one of the most rewarding experiences. These girls had worked so hard for this week of performing and it definitely paid off! They were stunning on that stage. Mind blowingly amazing night after night. I spent about 40 hours with them that week. There was a lot of fixing backs and ice bags and a LOT of ibuprofen. And night after night I got to watch these girls be amazing. Their talent is amazing. Their spirits are even more amazing. Every one of them has amazing testimonies and they shared them repeatedly throughout the semester. They strengthened me in so many ways and I was grateful for every day I got to spend with them. They spent the rest of the semester preparing non-stop for Nationals. And they did amazing. 2nd for team dance (they should've gotten first) and they took the national title for hip-hop for the second year in a row! That's right, white girls can hip hop. In case anyone needs to be inspired, watch this video :)


In March my roommate Miriam got married! So Mikayla and I went to her rehearsal dinner that Friday night and then we spent all Saturday shopping. And by all day, I mean like 8 hours. 6 of those were at Fashion Place, which of course included Cheesecake Factory. Heaven on my plate. Seriously, delightful. And we spent way too much money but it was worth it.

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After finals I went to St Geroge for a few days and hung out with some family. And then I flew home! I had decided I wanted to surprise my parents so they didn't know I was coming home. That was fun. Since I got home, I've hung out with Linda (duh), went job hunting, and went to see Jeremy and his family in Maryland and then Rachel and her family in Delaware. It was a lot of fun. I babysat for both families cause I'm such a good aunt. So here's some pictures (all of gavin) of him being adorable. He came and woke me up every morning and one day I woke up before he came to get me but he didnt see me come downstairs so he went up to wake me up and come down looking really upset and he looks at me, then at his mom and says "mom why isn't renee upstairs?" she said because I already woke up and he said that he wanted to get me in my bed. so i had to go get back in bed and pretend to be asleep so he could come wake me up. Adorable.

Well that's about it. Hopefully I get hired at Dick's sporting goods today so that I can have a job AND get awesome discounts on my workout clothes :) woohoo!

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