Friday, October 24, 2014

flat belly!

Today when I was leaving for work I walked past the one full ength mirror we have (curtosey of Miriam when she got married and moved out, yep, i sitll have it haha) and I seriously stopped and stared at my stomach. It was flatter than it has been probably since I got married (im still like 35 pounds to go until I reach wedding weight)BUT I have definitely seen a huge difference even in the past 3 weeks of my belly getting a lot flatter!

It is really hard to keep being motivated when you dont feel like you are having any results. I started working out with a personal trainer about 2 months ago and nothing seemed to be changing. Finally it is, over the last few weeks the number on the dscale has finally started going down as I have been using doTerra oils and vitamins and eating healthier. I've been drinking the doTerra slim and sassy shakes for breakfast every day, usually oatmeal for lunch (my lunch break is at 1030 am haha) and then make a normal dinner like spaghetti baked inside garlic bread :)

I didn't even work out for the last 2 weeks because I was working a ridiculous amount between my two jobs. And I've still been loosing weight. More importantly, When I looked in the mirror today, I was happy with what I saw for the first time in a long time. I wasn't happy before I got pregnant then I was pregnant...happy about the pregnant part but not about the growing part...and then right after having Declan I felt like I was too small, something I had never felt before. And it wasn't because I wasn't actually small at all, I just went from huge with a 12 pound baby inside me to a much flatter belly and I missed the belly. Mainly because I missed my baby. And then as things got more back to normal I started becoming unhappy again with my appearance again.

Part of me wanted to get pregnant again as soon as my doctors told me I could and the other part only sees the number on the scale. And I think I need to do everything I can to be in a good emotional state before I'm pregnant again and loose all controll over my emotions! So I'm finally making progress and that makes me want to work even harder! The semester before I met Mark I was taking a weightlifting class and had a open block before it. So at 11 everyday I went and ran for an hour on the eliptical (I wish I could do real running but my knees punish me for that) and then twice a week I would go straight over to my weightlifting class. I hadn't been weighing myself very much because it's super discouraging when the scale doesnt change. But after about a month I weighed myself just to see and I had lost 10 pounds! I think I ran harder than I ever had that day because I was so motivated because it was actually working! That's how I feel today. I packed a gym bag so I could go straight from work because I know if I go home first there is about an 98% less chance of me going to the gym. I have a really comfortable couch and really furry puppies that make it hard to leave home :) So here is to little successes along the way that give you motivation to keep going!

UPDATE: Weighed in this morning (wrote this post yesterday and I am down 9 pounds!

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